Tuesday 14 February 2012

Elderly Couple - Brighton Seafront

I spotted this elderly couple on the bench as I was walking by the Seafront (Brighton).

Enjoying the rather pale summer sun, I already could see this image in my head but I was a bit embarrassed to ask them if I could take a picture... "oh sod it" I said to myself turning back and approaching them with my iPod Touch (no, not iPhone) in my hand.

"Sure, no problem" said the woman whilst the husband didn't move a muscle... he was smiling slightly though.. or at least the muscles on his face made him look that way. So I took it as an affirmative to my request.

Stepped back a bit, took around 5-6 pics using the Hipstamatic app and gave them my card so they could get in touch if they wanted me to email them the pics.

This is what she said in her email (after I sent them the pictures):

"Thank you for taking the trouble to forward your three photographs of this ageing couple!
It is a happy memento of our day at the sea on a hot day!"

Twitter: @slidesoul